We received this reminder about the important origins of Mothers' Day from our friends at Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. PeaceQuest wishes all mothers a happy day with friends and family on May 14.
Mothers' Peace Day - A Call to Peace
“From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says, “Disarm, disarm! The sword is not the balance of justice.”
Julia Ward Howe, American author and peace activist, 1819-1910
In 1870, Julia Ward Howe led the first movement in North America towards establishing a Mothers’ Peace Day, a day to call for disarmament, the end of war and the protection of life. Over a century and a half later, Mothers’ Day has changed course– narrowing in its focus on a limited idea of what it means to be a mother, rather than the day’s great capacity to encourage peace building.
This Mothers’ Day, we encourage you to reflect on how you can build a culture of peace in your home, community and world. How can we reclaim Julia Ward Howe’s message of nonviolence and disarmament? How can our celebrations of our mothers’ acknowledge their leadership and expand to become more inclusive to protect others and the environment? How can we amplify the motherhood ethic of care, using our power (e.g., our energy, time, funds, and attention), to make change and engage with purpose on this and every day?
Let our appreciation and love extend to all beings on earth and power our actions in achieving justice and building peace.
“Peace is not the absence of war—peace is the absence of fear and the presence of justice.”
Ursula Franklin, Canadian scientist, feminist and pacifist, 1921-2016
Written in collaboration by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace & Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Canada