Last week we launched our annual check-in with everyone, inviting you to let us know how we are doing. We were delighted to receive over 30 responses and some great comments and suggestions.
Peace education is an important part of what we are trying to achieve, and that includes using our Saturday morning newsletter to provide you with the latest information and opportunities to join peace-building actions.
So we asked how you would rate this statement: "PeaceQuest makes it easy to learn more about issues important to me."
Our average score given by readers was 4+ stars out of a possible 5 stars, with 5 stars being “strongly agree” and 1 star being “strongly disagree.” So that’s a pretty good average score!
We asked people to write a comment to explain their rating. Here is that they said.
5 stars - Your pieces are focused and well-written. Snappy. I feel a part of something. I’m more informed. You’re doing good work. Thank you!
5 stars - Regular and up to date. I wonder if you could take some of [NYC activist] Alice Slater's missives from US and give us more serious ground-breaking news as I find some of the content fluffier than it could be. But still it is worth reading on Saturdays.
5 stars - Subjects are timely and important and seldom covered elsewhere. Items are short and easy to read. I like being asked my opinion on subjects.
2 stars - I think you are fighting the alligators, not draining the swamp. In almost every stubborn conflict, the parties are arguing from different value systems, and you never teach how those two moral codes are hard wired in us for specific situations, but are now being evoked for tactical advantage. Lying should be limited to a benign dictator dealing with childhood limitations.
4 stars - I don’t have time to read everything so concentrate on human rights violations of Palestinians by Israel, and Canadian mining operations which break international law. For the rest I rely on organisations like yours to bring it to my attention.
5 stars - The newsletter is easy to read and gives me insight into a variety of peace related issues.
4 stars - You add another source for Justice and peace information which challenges the mainstream media and institutional opinion.
5 stars - I am very grateful for the efforts being made by PeaceQuest in trying to make our planet a more pleasant place to grow up/grow old. Your articles are timely and eloquent, and, to the thinking/reasoning mind, provide a great deal of food for thought.
5 stars - I believe that PeaceQuest is one of the most informative and powerful peace activist groups in Canada and deserves the full support of every informed and progressive Canadian in the country! Please keep up your excellent work!
4 stars - PeaceQuest is not quite perfect but it is very good. I often would like to see an issue go just a little further. On the other hand, I usually tweet articles that I read because the language is appealing.
5 stars - PQ is focused on topics relevant to the issue and does not stray or divert to other (albeit probably worthy) causes. Well-written, useful graphics.
5 stars - PeaceQuest reports on issues that are absent from other media coverage (e.g. foreign affairs, military, diplomatic relations, etc.) and also makes connections with other significant aspects (Canadian politics, social justice, reconciliation, etc.). Please keep up your important work. Thanks for all you do!