If you sign this petition it will be read in Parliament! Support the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty
The government responds within 45 days
Our friends at the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – Canada (IPPNW-Canada) have initiated an official Parliament of Canada E-Petition calling on the Government of Canada to join the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The government responds within 45 calendar days to every E-Petition presented to the House of Commons, both paper and electronic.
This couldn’t be a more appropriate time to circulate this petition as the Treaty will become international law on January 22, 2021. The closing date for signatures of this petition is Feb 6 and 500 signatures are necessary before Elizabeth May can stand up in the House of Commons and read the petition.
With any luck we can get 500 signatures soon and she will be able to read the petition before Jan 22.
Nancy Covington
PeaceQuest is supporting this E-Petition, initiated by Nancy Covington of Halifax, N.S., and encourages everyone to sign.
To add your name, click below to be transferred to the official Parliament of Canada E-Petition website.
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