"No Fighter Jets" demonstration on Parliament Hill: Photos by Koozma J. Tarasoff
Photo gallery of the demonstration held by activists on Parliament Hill on October 2, 2020.
I received this terrific photo gallery taken of the demonstration held by activists on Parliament Hill. The protest was part of the Canada-wide Day-of-Action on October 2, 2020 to oppose the Trudeau government's planned purchase of new warplanes by the Canadian military.
"Hello Steven, Thank you for the info from PeaceQuest on stopping Canada from purchasing fighter jets.
"I also have been busy lobbying in Ottawa on this issue. October 2nd was a challenging wet day as I participated with a few brave activists in the NO FIGHTER JETS campaign in Ottawa.
"Attached are images showing activity at Parliament Hill in Ottawa as well as at one of the federal MP's constituency office. Enjoy!
"Let's continue to work to stop Canada purchasing 88 jet fighter planes at a cost of $19 to $60 billion, and work towards a culture of peace. In peace, Koozma"
Koozma J. Tarasoff
Koozma has been the peace movement's unofficial photographer for decades in Ottawa. You can see more of his photos and read about Koozma's study of his Doukhobor heritage at http://www.spirit-wrestlers.com.