Ottawa activists urge city council to help ban the bomb
Cities are the main targets of nuclear weapons
Ban the Bomb Ottawa recently launched its initiative to have Ottawa City Council sign the ICAN Cities Appeal. There is a notice of motion that Council will vote on May 25.
The activists are trying to gather as many support letters as possible from people living in Ottawa.
Nuclear weapons pose a catastrophic threat to civilization as we know it - we must work to eliminate these weapons once and for all!
Cities are the main targets of nuclear weapons even a limited use of the world’s over 13,000 nuclear warheads could kill billions from radioactive fallout, crop failures, and starvation outside the city limits of the original target, whether deliberate or accidental. Municipalities have a special responsibility to their constituents to ensure their residents have the right to live in a world free from the threat of a nuclear attack.
The City of Ottawa could join trailblazing cities across the world that wish to see a world safe from nuclear weapons by signing the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Cities Appeal.
If you live in Ottawa, send a letter to the Mayor of Ottawa and all Ottawa City Councilors urging them to support the motion to sign this cities appeal!
Take action:
For readers who do not live in Ottawa, check the ICAN website to see if your city has signed on: and if not, you could use this template letter Ban the Bomb Ottawa created to send to your city council and start a campaign in your municipality.