Are police officers helping the "truckers" protest? [Photos]
Ottawa police chief denies his officers are providing food, gasoline to help protests
Ottawa citizens are fed up with the so-called truckers protest against pandemic health restrictions.
Racist banners and symbols, vandalism against homes with pro-gay rainbow flags, blocked streets and marauding trucks with horns blaring at all of hours of the day and night.
Ottawa’s Chief of Police Peter Sloly has seemed almost powerless, quipping that there was “no police solution” to the demonstration.
Images coming from Ottawa on social media suggest there are plenty of reasons to be concerned that some police officers have joined the protesters' side.
Police pose with protesters
Police officer says "nothing but good" of protests
Police bringing food to protesters?
Police watch as gasoline cans are delivered downtown
CTV News host asks questions of police behavior
Ottawa police chief denies his officers are supporting protesters