Wear a PeaceMask for health and peace
Claim your PeaceMask to help prevent COVID-19 and show your support for peace. Free for new monthly donors.
In time for International Peace Day, PeaceQuest is launching a new initiative to promote health and peace. PeaceMasks are high-quality, Canadian-made designer masks, and proceeds support peace education and youth leadership programs.
You can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and show your support for a more peaceful, sustainable, and fairer world.
These designer masks (non-medical) are only available from PeaceQuest.
Comfortable and breathable
Reusable and washable
Three Layer construction
100% Soft Combed Cotton
Antimicrobial Fabric
Two styles available
A. Black mask with white
peace symbolB. White mask with colour
peace symbol
How to get your PeaceMask
PeaceMasks are a free gift to everyone who supports PeaceQuest's peace education and youth leadership programs through a monthly, charitable donation of just $5 or more.
Visit http://www.peacequest.ca/donate and sign-up to make a $5 or more monthly donation using your credit card or PayPal.
Claim your free PeaceMask and select your preferred style.
Your PeaceMask will be sent to you in the email!
The PeaceQuest Leadership and Education Initiative (PeaceQuest) is a federally incorporated non-profit organization (# 1175018-6). PeaceQuest is affiliated with International Peace Bureau, the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, and is a project of the World Federalist Foundation (charitable registration #: 123998957RR0001).