"War is not the answer!” say PeaceQuest readers
See what PeaceQuest readers are saying about Russian invasion of Ukraine
The unfolding crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine is entering its second week, and it grows more brutal and frightening by the hour.
A few days following Russian troops moving across the border toward Ukrainian cities on February 24, 2022, we launched our monthly Peace Poll for three days to give PeaceQuest readers the opportunity to register their level of concern, and to leave a comment about the war.
Without a doubt, most readers were “very concerned” about the Russian invasion (68%). Nuclear weapons, the impact on civilians, Western/US/Canada culpability for NATO’s expansion, and concern for the future of global relations are top-of mind.
How concerned are you about Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Read below for comments from other PeaceQuest readers:
Very concerned - The risk of nuclear weapons being used is very great right now. Even without them, many people are suffering because of the military invasion. War is not the answer. We need a ceasefire and more diplomacy. I think if NATO made a new commitment to not move towards Ukraine joining NATO it could be a good first step
Very concerned - War means death for soldiers on both sides; deaths for the civilian population and loss, pain and sorrow for these who lost loved ones. “Give peace a chance,” and everyone wins!
Very concerned - NATO decisions since the 1990’s are coming home to roost. Canada should get out of NATO and stop expanding its military.
Very concerned - I am terrified that it's going to be Germany and Poland all over again. Only this time it can mean the end of life on this planet.
This time it can mean the end of life on this planet.
Very concerned - Mainstream Western media portray the Russian invasion as one-sided avoiding mentioning the crucial role Canada, US and NATO have played in precipitating the present crisis. NATO violated its agreements with Russia not to advance beyond Germany, surrounds Russia and has repeatedly engaged in provocative military exercises against Russia. China is likewise surrounded by US led troops engaged in ongoing provocative military exercises. The people of Russia and China are terrified of the West - not just Putin. Should NATO attack Russia it is probable that China will come to Russia’s defence heralding the commencement of WWIII. It is unlikely that Russia or China would not consider the use of nuclear weapons if the West attempts to destroy their countries.
Very concerned - Canada should be trying harder to find non-military solutions. (In fact, we should have been trying harder to do this for some time now.)
Very concerned - When it comes to war, human intelligence is an oxymoron. Give peace a chance……..
Very concerned - Russia claims to be defending the freedom of break away provinces. NATO claims to defend Ukraine. But this war is no more about freedom than was the Great War of the last century. Like that blooďy war, it is about economic expansion and colonial power. The difference now is that while that war killed mostly soldiers - in their thousands - in a single battle, this one seems likely to harm mostly civilians. And it risks nuclear war which could kill us all!
Very concerned - I am very concerned about this invasion which is very stressful and unacceptable. There are many fears surfacing on the horizon. The fear of a World War 111 and the possibility of nuclear warfare, and the fear of an economical crash like there was in 1929 and close to another one a few years back. The loss of life and destruction of cities are painful to witness and to try to understand why. We are still in our covid crisis around the world which has also taken its toll.
Very concerned - Putin’s actions must be met with immediate and effective responses in every way available to us. He threatens the future of democracies around the world. Donate to help the brave leaders and citizens of Ukraine now!
Putin’s actions must be met with immediate and effective responses in every way available to us.
Very concerned - This is a horrifying situation, which may lead to a world war. I have friends in both Ukraine and Russia and I am praying intensely for the safety of people on both sides of the conflict and a peaceful resolution.
Very concerned - I think Putin is a dangerous, if not crazy, leader. That said, the west has failed to understand Russian fears in expanding NATO to the east. NATO should no longer exist and certainly should not expand, Perhaps, if Ukraine is willing, there could be a treaty to declare it a neutral state similar to Sweden and Switzerland.
Very concerned - I am concerned because armed might should be brought to an end. I only support sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine, not weaponry. It may seem intuitively wrong, but the more lethal weapons we send to Ukraine, the more people will be killed. It would be better for Ukrainians to just let Russian troops come in as they are and then just quietly refuse to cooperate with a Russian government. Ghandi once said about Hitler - he is a man; he will die. The same can be said for Putin. Brave citizens of Russia are peacefully protesting in the streets against their own government's violent war. Let satyagraha do its work.
Very concerned - I am no longer convinced that Putin is necessarily a "rational" actor, and his adrenaline is in overdrive right now. Given that he is a nuclear-armed actor, the stakes are very high, and the situation increasingly fragile.
Very concerned - This small person got himself way too much power and too many henchmen for his fragile mind to handle. He’s even more primitive than his ancestors who at least ‘declared’ war to give their victims a fighting chance; all’s fair, and all that. But, there are too many others of this ilk in charge of countries today, who, with this performance as a caution, just might be incapable managing their sanity, too. So, why isn’t he turned in by the stable members of the Kremlin—there must be a few—and brought before, say, the ICC, charged with genocide, mass murder, $billions in damages and tucked away in a padded cell for life, in this, the 21st Century?
Very concerned - The West’s support for arming the Ukraine and providing political cover to a cabinet with several members of Fascist’s parties allowed Russia the pretext to invade. The Russian oligarchs are not champions of democracy, nor is NATO. We in Canada must face our role in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Haiti, …
The Russian oligarchs are not champions of democracy, nor is NATO.
Very concerned - All invasions and occupations are simply wrong but this on going conflict--decades old Cold War turned into armed war--has a scarry component to it: nuclear weapons are on the table since Russia and the USA have the largest stores of these weapons of mass destruction. But NATO has them as well and NATO reserves the right to 'first strike' that Russia has stated it will not use and the US is an unknown in this regard at this time. So this is a dangerous situation where nuclear materials exist in Ukraine as well and then there is Chernobyl still emitting radiation and in danger of being used as a weapon as well.
Very concerned - Although I am opposed to warfare, we need to be careful what factions in Ukraine we are supporting, and how those in power now got there. Ee all need a history lesson.
Very concerned - The whole thing is insane, and unacceptable. Just as insane and unacceptable as the US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. (LONG etc) ...or Israel's ongoing invasion of Palestine, etc. etc. The merchants of death (rich barons of arm 'trades*') continue to disregard human rights, international treaties, and well, basic human decency. All wrapped with lethal lies, perpetuating misery and further destabilizing a more and more broken world. * trading death, suffering, a legacy of trauma, despair, and mass displacements (of 'others') for billions of dollars in their bank accounts - and they are proud of that... Until merchants of death / arms trades/industry is not penalized, banned and considered illegal for blatant disregard of human rights and planetary safety, we shall not progress as species.
Very concerned - I am absolutely revolted that the Canadian government aligns with the USA/OTAN warmongering that causes that situation and refuses the Russia's demands to cease the persecution and covert war against Russia : to include Russia in the European defense structure instead of against it.
Very concerned - War is not the answer to this situation. Canada should NOT be sending weapons to Ukraine.
War is not the answer to this situation. Canada should NOT be sending weapons to Ukraine.
Very concerned - 1. Putin's invasion of Russia is a goddamned bloody awful piece of work that will kill a lot of people and will resonate negatively for many years inside and outside Ukraine; and 2. the US was warned time and time again that Ukraine was Russia's red line, a red line that could not be crossed by NATO countries without expecting dire consequences. We need to keep telling that story, and not the one about Putin being evil or Putin being the new Hitler.
Very concerned - I am very concerned for the good people of Ukraine who did not deserve this unnecessary war brought on by the blood-thirsty bully that is Putin. I would like to see the stiffest sanctions possible against Putin and his sycophantic oligarchs. The Russian people are being fed a lot of propaganda and lies but in spite of that some of them are risking opposition to a brutal dictator. I admire their courage.
Very concerned - Canada should not send weapons or troops to Ukraine, only humanitarian aid. Canada can also help speed up the visa process for Ukrainians waiting to come to Canada.
Very concerned - who is next?
Very concerned - I fear this war will spread into surrounding countries if Putin is successful in taking Ukraine. I fear the suffering of people there and I am disgusted that this war is happening when every nation should be focussed on the existential crisis of climate change. Military GHG emissions are not counted. War destroys human lives, causes damage and destruction to all aspects of Earth and all beings. The military industrial corporations must take responsibility for encouraging military sales and profiteering off such destruction and misuse of Earth’s resources. The idolatry of money, profit, at any cost is partly at root of this war, with expansion of NATO . Also corporate interests in the rich minerals in Ukraine. The west has provoked Putin by not keeping its promise that NATO would not expand to include nations Bordering on Russia. This is all so tragic.
Very concerned - I am heartbroken at this turn of events for people on all sides of this conflict! While the invasion of Ukraine is deplorable and must be condemned so must western governments unwillingness to take Russia's security concerns seriously along with the western media's grotesque one sided catering to western propaganda. Furthermore, NATOs moral authority in condemning this invasion along with all western governments that have waged 20 years of unjust war all across the globe must be exposed for what it is the most cynical of hypocrisy. God help all of us if this escalates!
Very concerned - Great,Spirit make us instruments of your peace-to be those instruments we must condemn all wars as obscene, violent responses of systems built to construct and manipulate people into being instruments of war. We must dismantle the military industrial complexes of the world and build robust departments of peace throughout the world giving as much energy, money and time to this search as we have to the dishonour brought to us all in building or supporting the building of weapons of war.
Very concerned - I am so torn. I have been dedicated to nonviolence for my whole life, but I see that there is probably no way to stop this Hitler-like aggression by Putin's Russia by any other means than lethal force. I understand how complicated the situation is. My broken heart is with Ukraine. I pray for peace.
Very concerned - It is shocking to witness the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and I am praying for a quick ceasefire and for reason to prevail over force. It is also shocking to know that NATO (with the willing participation of Canada) into creating a situation of nuclear brinkmanship. If we were instead to support the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons we could contribute to a more peaceful future, not one where we are all on a knife's edge due to the potential of global Armageddon. Let us call our government to instead using diplomacy, and build peace, so that the financial resources wasted on war can instead go to meeting human and environmental needs. We need win-win-win solutions not brinksmanship.
We need win-win-win solutions not brinksmanship.
Concerned - Putin called on the Ukrainian army to overthrow the government whose leaders he described as “terrorists” and “a gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis!! Described as “terrorists” and a "gang of drug addicts and Neo-Nazis"... According to historians many Nazi SS settled in Ukraine after ww2. The Govt of Ukraine today turn a blind eye to their Ultra-right militia groups who have terrorised Russian speaking area for years, these groups also openly wear the Swastika-like emblems on their sleeves. So is there some truth to what Putin is saying? This is worth exploring.... here is always more to a story than what western media says....
Concerned - I deplore this conflict, but it is obvious to thinking people that the United States and its 2014 coup is the real cause of this conflict. The military-industrial complex of the United States needs war and conflict because it profits from it, because the American people -- and people in countries under US influence/control (e.g., Canada) -- must pay tribute to keep that cruel and wasteful, irrational and bloodthirsty, industry going. There must be a rational way forward, out of this madness!
Concerned - The first casualty of war is the truth, the rest is mostly civilians! Canada must do all it can to aid the Ukrainian people who are victims of international gamesmanship. Since 2014 Canada has been complicit in these power games. So let's be clear - Canada must also NOT provide military support to Ukraine. Canada has been supplying military equipment to the Saudis for years while, other than empty words, doing nothing to stop the war in Yemen. The hypocrisy of taking arms profits whilst mouthing empty words for peace is disgusting!
Concerned - All nations need security and no nation needs nuclear weapons. It's time to make peace and stop nations, like the US, from trying to control the world.
All nations need security and no nation needs nuclear weapons.
Concerned - Putin like JFK 60 years ago had to risk all out war to protect Russian national security. The West including the UK and US could have stopped this invasion by simply agreeing with Russia not to make Ukraine a member of NATO and not to station missiles there. They did not do this so like JFK before him, Putin reacted.
Concerned - Russia is doing what Russia needs to do to protect themselves from western NATO aggression. Since the fall of the Soviet Union NATO, led by the US, has been trying to suppress Russia and has openly called Russia its enemy and avocated 'regime change'. Since 2014 the US has pumped billions of dollars into Ukraine with the intent to destabilize Russia, eastern Europe and to keep western Europe dependent on the US.
Concerned - The US-led NATO group - no longer a defensive tool but an offensive weapon controlled by the US - is employing its destabilizing agenda against Russia, as it did to destroy the former Yugoslavia, and the Ukrainian population is being used as its pawn to sacrifice.
Concerned - This could all have been avoided if Clinton, NATO, and the US foreign policy establishment hadn't broken the promise that George H.W. Bush made to Mikhail Gorbachev that there would be no NATO expansion past Germany's frontier up to the borders of the USSR. THAT'S WHERE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS DISASTER LIES.
Concerned - Russia's invasion of Ukraine is concerning because Russia is a superpower and no one really knows how far Putin will go to extend his power. His putting of his nuclear force on high alert today is most disturbing!
Neutral - It is future taxpayers money that is being squandered today by this government. These same weapons will only inflame the situation more. And most likely cause death to innocent civilians, commonly referred as collateral damage. This Canadian non representative government has no authority to implement these arms trades with the consent of parliament, yet without hesitation is giving lethal arms worth millions white giving loan guarantees for $500 million by a fed government that has $1 trillion plus debt. Canada needs to remain neutral. If the politicians want to get involved, please allow them to join the Ukrainian army front lines.
It is future taxpayers money that is being squandered today by this government.
Neutral - The Soviet Union lost 28 million citizens - many of whom were Russians - to the invading Nazi's during WWII and has understandably been alarmed at the US led military alliance has expanded to its borders despite earlier assurances from the US that NATO would "not move one inch east" when the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact were dissolved 30 years ago. Russia has clearly warned the West that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line that could not be crossed. The US and NATO ignored this clear warning with disastrous results.
Neutral - Canada should go back to being a peace broker and not make money off war and killings of innocent people.
Neutral - I'm very concerned about the illegal expansion of NATO and all the Colour Revolutions sponsored by the USA. Like a school bully, the MIC is just poking anyone who will fight back, because they like the action, in this case, the money and fear generated.
Neutral - Disappointed at the failure of the Canadian and international media to provide any context for the Russian incursion into Ukraine. There was a mechanism (The Minsk Agreement) to allay the fears millions of Russian speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine, but the Ukrainian Government refused to implement the agreement, even though they were a party to this process.
Somewhat concerned - I find it extremely hypocritical that we are silent when our allies have been bombing and murdering innocent people throughout the world for many years. We stay silent. Then when our ‘enemy’ does it, we suddenly become politically woke. Anyone can criticize they other side but it takes a great amount of courage to criticize our allies for their atrocities. Stop the hypocrisy, wars are horrific no matter who carries them out. Stop all wars.
I find it extremely hypocritical that we are silent when our allies have been bombing and murdering innocent people throughout the world for many years.
Somewhat concerned - Canada in its NATO alliance bears a great deal of responsibility for conditions in Ukraine causing Russia to fear further efforts to undermine its influence there. Ukraine government and military seem significantly infiltrated by neo-Nazis and their sympathizers, so understandably, Russia is not snoozing while this happens.
Somewhat concerned - I find it extremely hypocritical that we are silent when our allies have been bombing and murdering innocent people throughout the world for many years. We stay silent. Then when our ‘enemy’ does it, we suddenly become politically woke. Anyone can criticize they other side but it takes a great amount of courage to criticize our allies for their atrocities. Stop the hipocricy, wars are horrific no matter who carries them out. Stop all wars.
Somewhat concerned - Canada in its NATO alliance bears a great deal of responsibility for conditions in Ukraine causing Russia to fear further efforts to undermine its influence there. Ukraine government and military seem significantly infiltrated by neo-Nazis and their sympathizers, so understandably, Russia is not snoozing while this happens.
Not at all concerned - Ukraine had the option of choosing neutrality, like Finland. Instead, they chose to listen to US, thus NATO, and now it is the common Ukrainian soldiers and civilians that are dying. Now the fool of a Ukrainian president has locked and armed, untrained able bodied male civilians that will only make them targets. He should have surrendered, negotiated a best possible settlement, and lived to see another day. Just remember 1968, invasion of Czechoslovakia. Their very well armed and able army stayed their hands. Hardly any shots were fired, minor casualties. The invaders left in a few months, life back to normal.
Ukraine had the option of choosing neutrality, like Finland. Instead, they chose to listen to US.
Not at all concerned - If you are concerned, charge V. Nuland and C. Freeland of treason.
Not at all concerned - The protection of the Donbas area was long overdue and Canada's Justin & Cynthia are just supporting Nazi & US Warmongers.
Not at all concerned - NATO is the bad guy here, not Russia.